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Issuance Of Duplicates Of Civil Acts Registration Certificates

A person once obtaining a document certifying the registration of civil status documents (certificates of birth, marriage, divorce, etc.) can apply for the re-issue of such documents in case of their loss, damage or for some other reasons.

Only citizens of Georgia or stateless persons with respective status in Georgia can apply for the issue of repeat documents certifying the registration of civil status documents.

The application can be filed by the person concerned or by the person acting as his/her proxy; in case of minors and incapable persons – by their statutory representatives.

In order to applying for duplicate of a civil act registration certificate, it is mandatory to appear at the consulate

A list of documents to be submitted:

  1. In case of registration of the change of name, surname by proxy – a proxy form and an ID card of a person acting as proxy.
  2. A money order in the amount of $20 USD written out to the Consulate General of Georgia in NY.

Note: Any document issued by the authorities of any other country must be verified in a due manner, certified by Apostille (List of issuing authorities of apostilles).

A special rule applies to court decisions of a foreign country, which, upon certification, are subject to acceptance by the Supreme Court of Georgia.

Note: Any document issued by the authorities of any other country may be filed in Georgian, English or Russian. If the translation is provided by respective bodies of the foreign country, certification procedures indicated above will also apply to the translated copies of documents.

The applicant may be denied service if:

  1. The applicant’s permanent or temporary residence is not within the jurisdictional area of the Consulate;
  2. Application was not submitted by an authorized person;
  3. The Applicant failed to file all required documents.